In 2019 Makka was represented by Camilo Chitiva who was a SteadyCam Operator for the Miss Universe Canada event. This was the year when we got involved in this type of events. We love telling stories and reaching larger audiences.
TD Bank supports any kind of culture and community, and especially the ones represented by its employees. This is why Latinos in Leadership was created. They evoke and promote the Latin culture in Canada carrying out among their activities a large-scale event during the month of October on the Hispanidad Month. We have had the privilege to cover many of these events in photography and video.
This is one of the most valuable treasures archives kept at Makka, they were our first client here in Canada. The festival d’expressions artistiques d’ici et d’ailleurs is an event that annually brings artists together to delight the audience in the city of Verdún-Montreal
It is not a secret how Venezuela has been suffering during the last decade, the reason why many of its citizens have had to immigrate to other countries. In Canada, some immigrants came up with Venezuelan Foundation and they develop multiple activities to support children in help from this country. Makka had the privilege of covering many of these events and one of them was Gala Por Venezuela.
Latin Energy mascarade ballet
Miss Canada Latina is a beauty contest for Latin women in Canada, and it is celebrated once a year. Because of the pandemic in 2020, the organizers decided to go online and turned it into a reality show.
We would like to use the Bridgestone new office, as an example of the relevance of demonstrating the characteristics that make you different. Don’t be surprised, we might just win you over.